Group tours
Group tours

We can create and host two kinds of custom travel programs:

Each year we create and host several open-enrollment music and art tours to a variety of destinations in Europe, intended for groups of ten to twenty-five participants.

Custom tours

Private tours of Romania and Hungary for pre-formed parties of five or fewer, designed to suit the clients' schedule and interest;

Tours to any European destination for arts organizations, educational institutions, and the like to offer to their members or supporters, designed to their specifications.

Amsterdam Mahler Festival - WAIT LIST
May 08 to 19, 2025
Does a 10-day, one-hotel visit to Amsterdam, aligned with the much-anticipated Mahler Festival at the Concertgebouw appeal to you? The festival features all ten symphonies, Das Lied von der Erde, Kindertotenliede ...
Summer Festivals on Alpine Lakes - Plus Munich - WAIT LIST
July 11 to 24, 2024
Our Summer Festivals Tour for 2024 takes us first to Lake Constance, Europe's largest, nestled in the Alps and bordered by Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. We will spend 8 nights at a lakeside hotel in Bregenz, ...
Historic Treasures and Traditional Village Life of Romania
June 01 to October 01, 2024
Living here nearly half the year, we can provide custom-made tours for small groups of up to 5 people, taking you to see what you want to see, when you want to see it and at an amazingly low price. We know the most im ...